I was supplied with the Violet VoxBox from Influenster to try the following products for FREE. All opinions expressed here are my own. Look at everything I received in my Violet VoxBox and then read on to find out what my favorite product was.
Sally Hansen Triple Shine Nail Polish
The first product I tried was the Sally Hansen Triple Shine nail polish in “Dive In.” It arrived a couple days before a birthday party for my daughter’s friend, so I polished up the day of to test it. I initially noticed that the brush was rounded, which helped me to cover the nail to the base without much trouble. It also appeared to reduce getting polish over the cuticles and beside the nail. I think I even committed a cardinal sin of nail painting by doing double coats before the first coat dried. Regardless, my nails dried extremely quickly and came out looking quite impressive. I don’t paint my nails often because having a two year old requires me to be at the ready in an instant. I was able to paint my nails while she was awake and running around.
The polish doesn’t last long. Regardless, Sally Hansen’s Triple Shine Polish gets a huge thumbs up from this momma for the quick-dry!
Goody Athletique Head Band
This wide band was designed to be no slip and adjustable for the perfect fit. Additionally, it was meant to wick away moisture for your on the go activities.
Unfortunately, this product was a total fail for me. To get the band to adjust to my head just right, the Velcro sides stuck out considerably and made it look like I was a child trying to wear my mother’s stuff. I couldn’t wear it otherwise, so I wasn’t able to fully test it’s effectiveness.
So, apparently my head is too small still for this product. I’d love to know if you’ve ever tried this with good results…
Soy Joy in Dark Chocolate Cherry
This bar was good. I’ve been experimenting with Gluten Free foods for health reasons recently, so I was pleased to find that it was Gluten Free. But, because of the debate over the effects of Soy and a woman’s hormones, I chose to test only about half of the bar for review purposes.
The bar itself is a little dry, the dark chocolate tastes quite a bit like dry baking cocoa, and the cherries are very tart. I felt it could have been more moist still, but overall it was good.
Not Your Mother’s Clean Freak Dry Shampoo
This stuff peaked my interested. This is not something I would rely on regularly, BUT I can see it being a useful addition to my bag on days I’m out racing (have I told you I do that? Maybe I’ll write a piece about it later). Let’s just say you didn’t wash your hair last night because it didn’t quite seem to need it, but you could tell tonight was the night. Toward the end of the day you realize your hair was a bit more oily than you’d anticipated and felt a little subconscious about it in public. This is where this stuff shines, in my opinion. Break out this spray-on dry shampoo, brush through and “kachow” (yes, we’re Cars fans here) most of that oil is gone.
This is definitely worth keeping around when you’re in a pinch and need a quick refresh!
Montagne Jeunesse: Dead Sea Mud Spa
I wasn’t sure what to expect with a mud mask, but I opened the package to a strong spa-like aroma. This fabric mask already had the mud on it, making for simple application.
The two things I can note right off the bat:
1) much too large for my face
2) hubby was not fond of the smell (though neither of us are accustomed to spa experiences …I typically only getting a massage once in a blue moon).
I applied the mask for only 10 minutes before the cooling sensation became more of a burning sensation. I was worried about skin irritation at that point, so didn’t make it to 15 minutes.
Luckily, there was no skin irritation … only soft smooth feeling skin! I was rather impressed with how good my skin felt, then I was wishing I had something like it for my hands…
Now, the moment we’ve all been waiting for.
My favorite product from this box was the Sally Hansen nail polish, which also happened to be the first thing I tried.

Which of these products do you want to try?
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