Have you wondered if Epic! for kids is really that epic? Are you wondering if Epic! for kids is worth it? Let me tell you all about what we think of Epic! books for kids.
I’ve teamed up with Epic! to tell you all about why we love it. All opinions expressed here are my own.
In the 6 years I’ve been a mom, I’ve amassed tons of books for the kids. I have a large bookshelf in their upstairs playroom, stuffed with books. And they each have a smaller bookshelf with more books geared to their individual tastes or reading abilities.
For the first few years of my daughter’s life, I’d go to the local library sale when they sold bags of books for $10. I’m talking the big brown paper bags you’d get from the grocery store. And, whatever you could stuff into those bags, you got for $10.
They’ve since gone up on their prices, but at one time, I was getting books for less than 20 cents a piece. Of course, they were used books and a good number of them were in terrible shape. But, I managed to build a nice sized library for them in 6 years.
My problem? Well, I have three.
I want to buy more.
I have no room.
They don’t do any good while traveling.
This is where Epic! comes to the rescue.

What is Epic!?
Epic! is the leading digital library for kids 12-years-old and younger. With instant access to 25,000 of the best books, videos, quizzes, and more, Epic! for kids inspires a love of reading that lasts a lifetime. With a personalized book selection based on your kids’ interests, Epic! creates a virtual world for your kids to unlock their creativity and become a critical thinker. Read and learn on Epic! anytime, anywhere with unlimited access for only $7.99 per month, with your first 30 days for FREE.

Choice of books by “friendship” theme
What Mom Loves about Epic! for kids
You know those problems I mentioned at the beginning of the post? Epic! really helps me with all of them.
Instead of buying more books, I have thousands on demand. I also don’t have to worry about how to stuff another book into the book shelf. And, we travel with thousands of books that don’t take up more space than a tablet that we always take anyway! We brought Epic! along on our mountain vacation to work on my daughter’s reading skills and to have books to read to the kids at night before bed.
Beyond that though, Epic! offers other solutions to problems I hadn’t even thought about until I had a second kid. Namely, the ability to create up to 4 separate profiles for kids.
Each profile is customized based on your children’s likes and reading abilities. Since my daughter likes just about everything, I selected all the options there were to give her the maximum reading choices aside from those in languages we don’t know. Additionally, I set the books for her age range … if I didn’t, she’d be happy reading baby books and I need her to challenge her reading abilities, because she’s already ahead of the curve for her grade.
These aren’t cheesy books just to fill a library. There are tons of very popular books that would cost us a pretty penny to own if we wanted them all. Not to mention, if we wanted to visit the library to borrow one, we’d have to hope our choice book wasn’t already checked out. Epic! relieves that issue so long as the book you want is in their library.
I know that my child is constantly learning while using Epic! She can build vocabulary and is often given quizzes to test her memory about what she read. In the parent profile, I can track her progress and personalize their content on the fly.
Setting up and reviewing account information is done easily from either the Epic! app OR online. And, kids can’t get into the parent section to mess around unless they know your password. This is a comforting feature knowing they’re not going to mess up emails or billing information. Plus, there are no in-app purchases, so no worry that your child will rack up an unexpected bill on you!
What the Kids Love About Epic!
From the get-go, the kids can personalize their profile with a choice of avatar and completely customize the background color and frame choice to their liking. They also have themes to choose from.
As the kids progress with their reading, they unlock rewards including badges, more avatars, and frame options.
My kids love the numerous choices of books that are geared right to their age group and reading level. S loves reading new books and my son loves having tons of awesome books at his fingertips available for mommy to read. His favorites right now are animals and race cars.
As kids read more, they earn badges which go toward helping them unlock more features in their profiles.
Most of all, they’re just able to have fun reading whatever it is their heart desires at any moment.
Is Epic! for Kids Really That Epic?
To be honest, yes! We love having all these books at our fingertips. Epic! really makes it easy for the kids to read new books and helps my 1st grader fill her book log with something new on a regular basis. Plus, if we travel with Epic!, it keeps a record of the books we’ve read, so we don’t have to travel with the book log, too. And since keeping track of the books she reads is a nightly assignment for school, this is a huge bonus for us all.
Additionally, I don’t have to remember to return borrowed books when we’re done, nor do we have to worry about the littlest member of our family tearing them up. Unfortunately, that is still a worry in this house.
Let’s not forget, that fewer trips to the library saves time and money on gas. And, while I believe there are great reasons to visit the library with a toddler, it’s not always easy.
Why You Really Need Epic! for Kids
Epic! for kids is really that epic! It solves problems you have in regard to travel and reduces the need to visit the local library when you’re tired of reading the same old books at home. These are probably my two favorite reasons to have Epic!
Go ahead and save time and money, and get thousands of books at your child’s fingertips with Epic! by starting your free 3o day trial.
As a bonus, Epic! extends a free offer to educators and librarians. I love that a company is willing to assist our children’s teachers in educating our children through access to more books! If our teacher were to use Epic! in the classroom, we’d be able to link our account to the classroom so she could assign reading projects to work on at home.
Wow! This is such a cool idea. I didn’t know about it before. We travel ALL.the.time. and this will totally come in handy. Thanks for sharing – I’m totally going to check this out!!!
We have Epic! here too and have had it for a while. My kids absolutely love it and agree that Epic! is pretty awesome as my kids use it often for all their reading and book needs. So, we ar a happy Epic! family, too 🙂
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