To my son as you turn two. An open letter to my son as a reflection on our past two years.
It’s hard to describe my relationship with you. But, it’s important you know mommy loves you.
You came into our lives a total whirlwind. Mommy amd daddy suddenly agreed to having a second baby. Two weeks later, I was pregnant with you. I knew the moment I conceived … as is your personality, you commanded the attention and made yourself known before I could even get a positive pregnancy test.

A letter to my son as you turn two
You were a wild wiggle-worm, even in my belly. You got yourself stuck and made mommy work to free you before I could go into labor. This resulted in making yourself 13 days late. And you’re just as, if not more, active today as you were then. Constantly keeping me on my toes, exhausting me beyond belief.
Like your sister, you were a high-needs baby. As a newborn, you didn’t want to sleep and really made people work to make you content. As you learned to smile or laugh, you also began to get angry when we tried to invoke said happiness.
You mostly seem to enjoy being cranky … at the very least, serious. But, there’s a silly side of you that emerges on occasion and it is wonderful. Refreshing even.
It’s hard to believe you’re turning two. Yet, I’m excited to get past the difficult baby stage.
As you learn new words and ways to communicate, it’s easier for us all to work together peacefully. I’ve enjoyed as you tell me “nesh” or “no” and request “more.” The dramatics, though still there frequently (because you prefer to keep us high-strung), are happening slightly less often.
At nearly a year and a half you began getting into books (or as you call them, “mush”). All day you run around like a mad-man only content to do exactly as you please. But, at night, you’ll sit and request book after book to be read as you suck your thumb and twirl your hair around in the other hand.
You’re brilliant, just like your sister. I’m always amazed at your vocabulary because you speak in mini sentences and you have words for things I didn’t know you knew, like Porsche … and it’s the only car brand you’ve ever named out loud. But, your smarts make you just as, if not more, difficult than your big sister.
I’ve watched your love for your big sister grow. Your expectations of her to give you what you want has also increased.
I see some typical sibling arguments and fights on the horizon. But, I can tell you love her very much, and she adores you.
Most days I consider going back to work, just so I don’t have to hear you cry all day. But at the same time, you’ve shown me a deeper love than I’ve ever known. You’re the baby who only wants mama. And, I’m pretty sure you only want me so you can torment me all day, following up the crankiness with the occasional request for a hug and a kiss.
You gave me a sense of success at breastfeeding, and refused to eat from a bottle, even if it meant you would starve for the day.
It was imperative I learned to babywear. And I’ve had to get two carriers because I have to wear you everywhere. Between hearing “hold you, hold you” and knowing you’ll run off in a split second, babywearing was a necessity! In fact, I’m pretty sure I’ve lost my identity and have become The Woman Who Carries Her Baby Everywhere.
To My Son As You Turn Two
It is my hope you let go of your need to be cranky. Let your silliness shine through. We want you to enjoy life, and we want to enjoy it with you.
You’re handsome, smart, and funny. I promise, if you just relax and enjoy, everything will be better!!
Love, Mommy
Aw, what a beautiful letter to you now 2 year old son! Thank you for sharing him here with us today and Happy Birthday to him, too!! 🙂
I love that t-shirt! I hate the “boys will be boys” thing. Why should we give them a pass to act that why just because they have a Y chromosome! My son is responsible for his actions the same as his sister. Sorry…rant over.
Great post btw!
Vent away! I can’t STAND that saying … we have family that believes that and we’re always being harped on for being hard on our kids. I refused to believe I have no control over teaching my son to be kinder and gentler than expected. I mean, I see a biological difference in him vs his sister … he’s naturally more wild, but it’s not a free pass to be a jackwagon. 😀
Love this! Thank you for your words. I’ve got a 2 year old boy and there are many similarities between our little men! He can’t seem to breath with me! But it’s getting better and he’s started being more happy and playful which is a delight. He sounds like he’s going to be an awfully strong young man.
Love this little rascal, smart, handsome, energetic, cuddly at times. Will miss that, the cuddly part.
Happy birthday to your sweet boy! I hope you all have a great time celebrating! Love his “Boys will be Good Humans” shirt!
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