Home Family Life Our Summer and Return to Blogging

Our Summer and Return to Blogging

by Ivy B

I want to start by saying it’s SOOOO good to be back at blogging.

I would like to fill you in on what we’ve been working on this summer and let you know how excited I am to be sharing new content with you.

You used to follow my old blog, Ivy’s Variety. After the birth of my son, I thought I was going to be hanging up my writing for a while. We struggled getting accustomed to having a new baby again while also dealing with other family matters. B arrived with a very strong personality and we spent his first few months breaking him and ourselves in for everyone to adjust.

I spent almost the entire summer preparing my daughter for school. It’s hard to believe S will be going to Kindergarten in just a few short weeks. I wish I knew at the beginning of the summer what I know now. I wasted so much time registering and un-registering from schools until we got accepted into the Magnet Program we’d had our hopes up for. That meant lots of phone calls, applications, and car rides transferring paperwork from one school to another.

preschooler reading on her own

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If we weren’t working on school paperwork, we were participating in our library summer reading program, working on her reading skills, and doing activities for the Girl Scout Daisies. Lots of books and in-library events to attend, as well as at home activities to prepare for a strange (for me) new adventure with Girl Scouts.

jpl program with Ronald McDonald

The last couple weeks, I have been very focused on getting the new website up and running. After getting both kids to bed, I worked to perfect this new blog to the best of my abilities, sometimes with the help of some outside sources. And, I’ve been doing this trying to make the transition for you, my readers, very easy.

Now that it’s over, and as soon as S starts school, I can pencil in some time to begin to write again. I have been dying for the moment I knew I could begin this again. I have a list, a mile and a half long, of subjects I want to share.

Currently, my weeks are filling up with errands to run, final weekday play dates to fulfill with her friends, and finalizing some details on the blog. Soon, my weeks will include writing, school functions, and Daisies. And, still figuring out how to schedule B’s activities and naps around his big sister’s things.

Still, my mile and a half long list of blogging topics are penciled in and ready for me to set aside regular time for writing.  I have so much to discuss and I feel more focused and creative.  I hope you’re as excited as I am for my return.  I miss you!

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1 comment

Herchel A Scruggs July 27, 2016 - 10:03 am

I love the rebranding! Can’t wait to see what you have coming up!

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