As a stay at home mom, you’ve probably wondered “should I get a gym membership?” Well, here’s 7 reasons a gym membership is perfect for a SAHM.
Do you think you don’t need a gym membership? What if I told you it wasn’t just for getting fit or losing weight?
Nearly 6 months before my daughter entered Kindergarten, we had a new baby.
If I thought our first was rough, the second baby was impossible.
In the hospital, when the nurse was doing his first exam, immediately after delivery, she kept repeating “Oh my god, he’s feisty. I’ve never seen such a feisty baby.” He was screaming at the top of his lungs and clinging to her stethoscope and anything else he could get his hands on.
I feel as though the crying, screaming, and demanding nature has been non-stop for three years. My only reprieve was when he’d take a nap or at night when we’d all be asleep.
Toward the end of the year, last year, I decided something needed to change. And, an occasional mom’s night out and once a month Autocross weekend with hubby just wasn’t cutting it. I needed more time away. It was either get a job (which I didn’t want to do) or join a gym with childcare.
I chose to start going to the gym, just so I could have more regular breaks from my son. When I toured the facility and the rep asked what made me look into the gym, I told him the truth …
“I need to get away from my son during the week. I’m literally willing to work out to get a break.”
Yes, I was that desperate for time away. Working out seemed way better than dealing with an illogical and cranky toddler.
Of course, I’ve also seen way more benefit from the gym than I’d been counting on!
But, it wasn’t without the nagging question “Should I get a gym membership?” Like, who was I to think I should spend part of my days getting fit, leaving either (or both) of the kids in child care while hubby was at work.
I mean, I’m a stay at home mom, after all. Aren’t I supposed to be at home cleaning, cooking and wiping asses?

Should I Get a Gym Membership?
Why should you care about my reason for joining the gym?
As I said, in the few short months I’ve been working out at the gym, I learned that I needed it way more than just for the break from the kids.
1. A Break From the Kids
Sure, you can take a mom’s night out, leaving the kids with hubby. Or take a date night every now and then. But, more than likely the kids are headed to bed and you’re taking off during a time that’s technically your break anyway. Am I right?
Don’t get me wrong … I still need a mom’s night or date night out and I believe all mom’s should get those regularly. But, there’s something extra special about taking an hour or two away from the kids during the day when you’d otherwise be experiencing the tantrums and illogical conversations. Plus, you can escape the boredom from doing the same ‘ol thing day in day out..
Eff it … hand those kids on over to the childcare in the morning. If you time it right, you can immediately feed the kids lunch and put them down for nap after your workout.
Bonus: Your kids will learn to play with others, make new friends, and experience being cared for by someone other than their parents.
Related Reading: 8 Good Reasons Mom Should Take a Break Now
2. Get Healthy
Whether you’re looking to drop baby weight, have better body image, or increase your activity level, joining a gym will have wonderful effects on your overall health. Of course, that’s assuming you’re doing some level of activity and not sitting in a chair playing on your phone.
Cardiovascular exercise can help burn calories and fat while strengthening your heart, and reduce your risks for certain medical conditions.
3. Stress Reduction
Exercise is a great way to reduce stress and improve your mood. Plus, that break you’re getting by sending the kids into childcare is an immediate stress reducer.
Related Reading: 4 Ways Stressed Out Moms Can Calm Down Quickly
4. Make Some Friends
While I haven’t yet extended my gym friendships outside of the gym, I have enjoyed some of the chit chat before classes.
You begin to see familiar faces and are often greeted with smiles and a quick hello, at the very least.
At times, I’ll see one of my previous trainers when I started my strength training and we’ll catch up for a few minutes.
This is truly a social (and mental) benefit that goes beyond physical health reasons to join a gym.
5. Additional Amenities
Aside from gym equipment, many gyms often offer additional amenities such as fitness classes, a pool, sauna, and massages.
Check with your local gym to see what’s included in the membership fee to determine if that particular gym offers things you’d make good use of.
6. Motivation
There’s nothing that motivates me to use something more, in my opinion, than spending money on a monthly basis. So, if your New Year’s Resolution was to lose weight or get in shape, paying a monthly membership fee to a gym will motivate you to use it.
If you’re anything like me, you’ll try to get the most out of your membership by visiting more often and putting the kids in the provided childcare (if your gym supplies it) whenever you can.
I promise, you’ll stay on track more than if you decide to work out at home.
Related Reading: 5 Ways to Stay Motivated to Exercise Regularly
7. Access to Pros
I’ve never considered weight-lifting an option for myself. I just never had the interest.
However, once I joined the gym, I decided to try an included strength training program that helped me get started. Here, I learned how to use the machines and proper technique.
If you’re ever stumped with your workout, you can speak to one of the professionals to help use a machine, perfect your form, or discuss your needs. Most gyms will also offer personal trainers (at an additional expense) to help you achieve specific weight loss or fitness goals.
That’s certainly not something you’re going to get watching free workout videos from home, are you?
I don’t know about you, but these reasons certainly would have me thinking more about a gym membership if I didn’t already have it. I mean, having child care to give me a break from my youngest more often was reason enough to start. So, the added benefits were just bonus. Now I’m visiting two to three times a week and can try out any new fitness classes that interest me at any time!
What do you think?
Have you ever asked yourself “should I get a gym membership, as a stay at home mom?” How do you feel about it after reading these reasons you should?
Do you have a gym membership? Why or why not?