Raising humans in a digital world? Check out these tips for parenting in the age of digital technology to help kids build healthy relationships with tech. This is a guest post from Diana Graber, founder of Cyberwise.
In this age of algorithms and bots, learning how to be human is more challenging than ever. Text messages are curt, Siri doesn’t expect a thank you, and autoresponders can’t detect when the sender needs a kind word or a hug.
But parents can raise kids who will wield technology with empathy, understanding, thoughtfulness, compassion—and all the other age-old human capacities that make life worth living—and it’s easier than you think.
It is, in fact, like building a house.

A Parent’s Guide to Raising Humans in a Digital World
Start With a Strong Foundation
While we don’t know much about the long-term impact of today’s devices upon young children, we do know what young children need most. They need face-to-face interaction with loving human beings. They thrive when talked to and played with. A screen—regardless of whether it’s a TV, tablet, smartphone, gaming console, computer, or even an internet-connected toy—simply can’t deliver the same experiences as the real world. The research on this is indisputable.
Rich experiences in a real, three-dimensional world help kids gain social skills, emotional self-control, creativity, resilience, and most of all, the ability to get along with other people and to see things from other perspectives. These are skills they will need in spades when they go online.
Screens Are Here to Stay
We can’t change the fact that screens are here to stay and your young ones will be exposed to them one way or another. But, we can be mindful of how we raise little ones in a screen-filled world. Start by following these four excellent tips from the organization, Children and Screens:
- Set boundaries. Limit exposure for the very youngest children, turn off devices during mealtimes, one to two hours before bedtime, and make children’s bedrooms media free.
- Monitor use, behavior, and content. Block inappropriate content, watch and play the video games children are playing, keep electronic media in public places, and talk to the parents of children’s friends about what children do at their homes.
- Be clear about what is acceptable. Establish and enforce house rules about screen time, and don’t let media interfere with family relationships.
- Engage and lead by example. Obey your own house rules, and remember children are watching.
As Your Children Get Older, Help Them Build A Sturdy Structure
With a strong foundation of emotional and behavioral skills in place, children will need a sturdy structure to help them withstand any digital storms that may blow their way. Imagine this structure being held up by these four pillars of knowledge:
- Reputation Management: Your children must learn that anything, and everything, they post online will stay online forever. It will potentially be seen by anyone, and everyone. And people will judge them by this information. Be certain your children understand this fundamental aspect of online life.
- Screen Time: Help your children learn how to balance their online and offline lives. They will need your help knowing how, why, and when to disconnect from powerful devices that are designed to hijack their attention.
- Safe Relationships: Before your kids use technology to make and maintain relationships via online games, social media, and texting, be sure they know how important it is to treat others respectfully and kindly online. Tell them what to when they see others being treated cruelly too.
- Privacy: Explain to your children what information is safe to share online, and what is not. Even more importantly, be sure they know the cost of joining a “free” social network or getting “free” results from Google. That cost is their personal information.
Joining Vibrant Online Communities
With a strong foundation and sturdy structure in place, your children will be eager, and ready, to connect and engage with new communities and opportunities online. Encourage them to use digital technologies to learn, to inspire, to be inspired, and to share their unique talents with the world.
No one builds a house overnight. Likewise, helping your child build a healthy, and safe, relationship with technology will take time too. Hopefully my new book—”Raising Humans in a Digital World: Helping Kids Build a Healthy Relationship with Technology” (HarperCollins Leadership)—can help. It’s packed with advice from over 40 digital experts and includes simple activities that any family can slip into their busy day to help with this building project.
The time you put into building your child’s “digital house” will be worth the effort, I promise.
What are your thoughts on raising humans in a digital world?
Do you feel parenting in the age of digital technology makes your job easier or harder?
Diana Graber is the founder of Cyberwise (www.cyberwise.org) and Cyber Civics (www.cybercivics.com), two sites dedicated to improving the digital literacy skills of adults and children. She created and still teaches the Cyber Civics digital literacy curriculum in Southern California, and is the author of Raising Humans in a Digital World: Helping Children Build a Healthy Relationship with Technology (HarperCollins Leadership).
I totally agree with you about the importance of monitoring a child’s screen time. And, when there are screens all around us it can be a bit difficult. So, instead of asking them to limit their screen time, it is better to provide a better alternative. For example, we can find a real toy alternative of an amazing educational app on the iPad. Instead of watching movies on TV we can take them to a Theatre Play. Instead of ordering all the things online, we can go shopping. These small things will make a huge difference in the future. Although, I do believe that we are at a very early stage in this transition from real to digital world. With time, as a society, we will find ways to better manage both these worlds. It was an interesting article. Thanks for sharing!
Today we can not imagine our life without gadgets. But they should be used in a proper way. For learning process first of all. (If we a talking about kids). And there are a lot of ways to set screen limits. I have some guest posts about it!
Have a nice day!
Hi Diana, Great post i enjoyed reading it . Love the idea Set boundaries and Set boundaries.
I have been going through your blog and found this post really useful. Thanks for sharing here with us and keep doing your hard work.
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