Home Mom LifePregnancy What Do You Need to Pack in Your Hospital Bag? + FREE Printable Checklist

What Do You Need to Pack in Your Hospital Bag? + FREE Printable Checklist

by Ivy B

When you’re getting ready to have a baby, you have a lot on your mind.  Before you have your baby, there are so many things to do!
One source of anxiety for me was what to pack in my hospital bag!
Preparing for baby usually includes packing a hospital bag, unless you’re one of the women I’m jealous of who get to stay home to deliver their baby.  I want to “accidentally” deliver my baby at home, but hubby isn’t into that sort of thing, so I’m forced to be prepared for the hospital.  The first time around, I went by the standard hospital bag checklist, and I wasn’t concerned with much.  This time around, I want to feel a little extra pampered and have a few special items to try to give myself a boost from the get-go.  Plus, I don’t want some of the boring (or unhealthy) hospital grade items.
So, let’s get to it.  What’s in my hospital bag?
hospital bag img
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What’s in my hospital bag?

*Disclaimer: affiliate links are included in this post.

Earth Mama Angel Baby New Mama Bottom Spray and Mama Bottom Balm.  Yes, I know the hospital will provide supplies for rips, tears, etc, BUT, this stuff has more organic ingredients … and well, that’s how I’d like to start my adventure as a second-time mom.

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2 Nursing Bras.  I’m going to bring the really pretty Cake Maternity Nursing Bra I reviewed, because I decided not to be a total frump.  The other will be a really boring and super comfortable one for sleeping in.

2 Going Home Outfits for baby and myself.  Yes, two.  Baby’s due around Thanksgiving, but in FL, that doesn’t exactly mean we see cooler weather, so I’ll pack both warm and cool weather outfits and decide the day we’re released.

Phone and Charger.  Well duh!  Did I need to list it?  No, but I will for fun.  I plan to use it for pictures, music, and updating family.

Snacks.  I can’t remember if I did this the first time around.  With the late onset food allergies and intolerances, I can’t trust that the vending machines will have much.  Plus, who knows what time delivery will happen and the cafeteria may not be open.  Maybe we’ll bring some change for the vending machines, just in case, but I’m not relying on those.

Birth Plan.  Although I plan to give this to my doctor, I want to be sure the nursing staff and whatever doctor is on duty is aware of our wishes.  I know they don’t stick to everything, but I have priorities.

Personal Toiletries and Hair Accessories.  I want to be sure I smell like “me” so my soap, shampoo, and deodorant will be going with me in handy travel containers.  My hair is way too short for hair ties, but I’ll bring a headband and bobby pins to help keep my hair out of my face.  I might even bring makeup for the hospital newborn photo shoot.  Not that I did last time, but maybe I’ll feel up to it this time…

Medicine and vitamins.  Now’s not the time to go skipping out on medicines or supplements.  If you’re planning on breastfeeding, make sure to check with your doctor on everything you take to receive their clearance ahead of time.  Then, pack those babies.  I know I need my thyroid medication and I’m certainly not going to feel any better without it!

Don’t forget your partner’s bag, with a few basics too.

Is there anything you would add to the Hospital Bag Checklist?

Would you like a handy printable to help you start packing your hospital bag?  Click the image below, which will take you to an email newsletter form.  You’ll receive instructions for downloading from the free resource library, which includes this hospital bag checklist printable.

free hospital bag checklist img


 Getting ready to have a baby? What should you pack in your hospital bag? Check out what was in my hospital bag and get your free printable hospital bag checklist via www.sahmplus.com
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