Thanks to, I was selected to receive a Let’s Imagine Elmo Toy in exchange for posting my honest opinions. I was not compensated in any other way. The Let’s Imagine Elmo Toy is a Playskool Sesame Street toy geared for children ages 2 -4 years. The manufacturer’s information includes these features:
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• Elmo has 4 interactive play modes• Interact with Elmo by tickling him, bouncing him, or squeezing his nose• Elmo plays “Prince Elmo Says”• Elmo counts up to 20 with your little one• Elmo plays a sounds-of-the-sea identification game

1) She wasn’t able to take the hats off on her own
2) There were very few games and they were fairly simple
3) She wasn’t quick enough to respond so it would count her action as wrong
4) If she didn’t give it enough force or squeeze just right, it didn’t count her action
What she does like is to constantly change hats. I think she also likes when he sings or talks, but she’s having a hard time getting accustomed to the interactive play with this electronic toy. This strange kid isn’t afraid of people dressed up as characters, but electronic characters? Sadly, not her cup of tea.
I, personally, think the Let’s Imagine Elmo toy is cute. It doesn’t seem to hold my daughter’s attention, but I’m torn on what ages I would think to classify it under. It seems to lose my 3-year-old’s interest, but at the same time, she can’t respond quickly enough when Elmo is playing a game. Now, I do recognize that she’s intimidated by Elmo as an electronic character, so her response rate at the games is slowed, so perhaps another child her age is more inclined to be quicker to respond if they’re not intimidated by electronic characters.
If you’re interested in purchasing the Let’s Imagine Elmo toy, it retails for about $40 and you can find him at Walmart, Target, and Amazon, just to name a few places. Below is an imagine to Let’s Imagine Elmo on Amazon with my affiliate link!
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