Home Family LifeFunBooks Learning to Practice Mindfulness – “Mindfulness: A Journal” Review + Giveaway

Learning to Practice Mindfulness – “Mindfulness: A Journal” Review + Giveaway

by Ivy B

If you follow me on social media, you probably remember I recently mentioned taking a Mindful Parenting Class from Udemy.  The course gave some amazing reasons of why and how I needed to practice mindfulness for effective parenting.  My problem is actually practicing Mindfulness, so I was excited when I had the opportunity to pick up Mindfulness: A Journal by Catherine Price.  I was provided a copy of this mindfulness journal in exchange for my honest review.  This book answers your questions about mindfulness, like “what is mindfulness?” and “how do I practice mindfulness?”

learning to practice mindfulness review and giveaway

Mindfulness Journal Book Review

This book’s brief overview mentions how “mainstream” mindfulness has become, but how little we actually understand of mindfulness.  It’s not a simple concept of being aware of your surroundings.  Catherine writes “To paraphrase Kabat-Zinn, mindfulness can be defined as paying deliberate attention to your life in the present moment without judgment.”   To practice mindfulness, some key suggestions were:

  • “…observe the sensory details of your experience …” during a few moments of your day
  • recognize that the only moment you can truly experience is this one.  You can’t experience the past or the future.
  • do the first two parts “without judgment.”  It’s okay to make choices, but not if you have a critical or negative attitude about something.

“Mindfulness helps us to recognize that thoughts aren’t us.”

How to Practice Mindfulness with the Journal

It is recommended to use the journal and to skip around as you see fit, so long as you are deliberately practicing mindfulness for each entry.  I chose to start with the very first entry to explain why I chose to use the Mindfulness Journal.

Then, I chose the second entry because it had a simple way for me to implement more mindfulness practices throughout the day.   The entry encouraged purchasing a small pack of stickers and placing them throughout your home, office, etc.  The stickers are meant to be your reminders to stop, breathe, and be in the present moment.

My thoughts on the Mindfulness Journal

Mindfulness: A Journal is an easy read.  It’s thought-provoking and extremely helpful in explaining the true meaning of mindfulness.

I love that each activity reminds you to be in the present.  There are tons of activities in this book to help you become better at true mindfulness.  Through direct instructions or prompts to make you think, there are plenty of exercises to help you practice.

Catherine reminds you that you will fail at mindfulness and that it’s OK.  We’re human and we’re retraining our brains.  It’s not okay to punish or scold yourself when your mind wanders.  That you recognized it and work to put your mind back on track means you are learning.

The author also reminds the reader that a change in attitude isn’t achieved overnight, rather by continually practicing mindfulness over time.

I plan to continue working through the journal to get a head-start on my New Year resolutions.  When I’m better at practicing general mindfulness and repairing my attitude, I plan to revisit the Mindful Parenting Class and brush up on the skills and activities there to work toward becoming a better parent.

I recommend…

I recommend that you select the prompt the night before – some of them are best to know what you need to focus on for the day.

I’m looking forward to making some positive changes with this journal.

This is a spectacular book for anyone looking to quiet the brain, find some peace, and give themselves a few minutes a day to de-stress.  It’s a perfect gift for yourself or anyone you know who needs to “slow down.”  As a mom, I know all too well just how necessary a book like this can be.

“Mindfulness: A Journal” Giveaway

After using this book for a couple weeks, I knew this was going to be something that was bound to help change my life.  In time.  With consistent practice.  And, I knew I needed to share this with my readers.  Catherine has agreed to send a book to one of my readers!  So, without further ado, here’s the giveaway!

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I received this book from Blogging for Books for this review.

Learning to Practice Mindfulness - "Mindfulness: A Journal" Review + Giveaway 5Learning to Practice Mindfulness - "Mindfulness: A Journal" Review + Giveaway 6

Learning to Practice Mindfulness - "Mindfulness: A Journal" Review + Giveaway 7Learning to Practice Mindfulness - "Mindfulness: A Journal" Review + Giveaway 7

Mindfulness: A Journal
  • Overall
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Kate L. November 30, 2016 - 2:59 pm

I could use this – it’s hard to make myself be “still.” I think this would give me the motivation I need.

Echo November 30, 2016 - 4:55 pm

Being mindful of myself is something that I struggle with a lot. I think I could definitely use some reminders on how to be mindful in daily situations.

Kristen Hewitt November 30, 2016 - 7:25 pm

I would love this! I meditate every morning!

Ivy B November 30, 2016 - 8:09 pm

I think this would definitely boost your practice, beyond meditating 🙂

Stefani @ Crafty Christian December 1, 2016 - 1:33 pm

Sounds like a great book! I need to be more mindful.

Melanie December 1, 2016 - 2:04 pm

So many great suggestions! What a wonderful place the world woukid be to live in if more people practiced these tips.

Ivy B December 1, 2016 - 7:48 pm

How wonderful if we could just get it right for ourselves to show the rest of the world how to get it done 🙂

Donna Clifford December 1, 2016 - 3:38 pm

Wished everybody practiced mindfulness. 🙂

Ivy B December 1, 2016 - 7:49 pm

I hope to work through this journal and allow it to change me for the better … what a good way to show people why they should try it!

Belle December 1, 2016 - 3:59 pm

Awesome! Love the review too!

One Awesome Momma

Ivy B December 1, 2016 - 7:50 pm

Thank you!

Jalisa December 1, 2016 - 6:55 pm

Sounds like a great book. I’m a new sahm so these come in handy.

Christine - The Choosy Mommy December 1, 2016 - 9:36 pm

This book sounds like something I need on my nightstand!

Jasmine Hewitt December 1, 2016 - 9:55 pm

I think everyone could use this, but I’d get it for my husband to read so he doesnt become overwhelmed with the changes we have coming up in the near future

Alicia Hewitt December 3, 2016 - 6:50 pm

I struggle with mindfulness. I am kind of stuck in a abusive environment. I say I’m stuck because I’m a single, chronically ill mom and l couldn’t afford to leave my parents home due to being on disability. I’m inflicted with Fibromyalgia, CFS/ME, and Interstitial cystitis so I am in severe pain and have debilitating fatigue on a daily basis. At least 3 days out of the week I am bedridden. I think this could really help me!

Ivy B December 3, 2016 - 10:19 pm

I’m so sorry. I know what it’s like to be struggling from one day to the next … maybe not to that magnitude, but I had previously been in a state where 10 hours of sleep still felt as though I’d never slept. I told my husband it felt like I was being eaten away from the inside. I still have a lot of work, but I finally found a doctor to help me and I’m regaining a bit of my life a little at a time. One thing he told me was that I need to relax more often and find more ways to relieve stress. I would totally recommend this and I think this will really help.

Sarah Gillespie December 3, 2016 - 9:40 pm

I live on the borderline, so honestly mindfulness is a huge struggle for me.

Stacy- Taylor411 December 3, 2016 - 9:59 pm

That’s awesome the Activites remind you to live on the present. I need reminders of this all the time, sometimes I get in a zone of the daily to dos.

Ivy B December 3, 2016 - 10:14 pm

Absolutely … it’s so easy to get caught up in everything we’re doing as we’re planning ahead for what needs to be done. But, giving yourself time to slow down and to be fully present during even little moments make them seem not so little.

Jamie Williams December 4, 2016 - 12:01 am

Yes I do struggle a lot with mindfulness. Id love this journal.

Shann Eva December 4, 2016 - 12:12 pm

This sounds like a really great book. I also like your advice of reading the prompt the night before. Mindfulness is a very hard thing for me to practice, but I’m learning.

Michelle Castagne December 6, 2016 - 8:31 pm

I do struggle with mindfulness. This would be a big help.

Ivy B December 6, 2016 - 8:34 pm

Hi Michelle, I think most people do. Yes, I totally agree that this book would be a huge help. Good luck!

deana December 8, 2016 - 8:51 am

My husband would love this book as he is into mindfulness

susan smoaks December 12, 2016 - 1:29 pm

i struggle with mindfulness. i would like to keep this for myself.

Daniel M December 12, 2016 - 9:30 pm

i need all the help i can get

Leanne Godfrey December 13, 2016 - 6:41 pm

I struggle with being mindful of myself. I would love to have this book.

Trisha McKee December 14, 2016 - 10:48 pm

My daughter would love this. She is always reminding me to be more in the moment.

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