I was selected to receive the #JAdoreVoxBox from Influenster in exchange for completing tasks to test and share my experiences with the products included. I’m excited to tell you all about the products in my Vox Box!
I had no idea what to expect with the Clay Mask. I don’t do these things. I wish I had read up first … check out the mess in the sink.
Anyway, once I got through that, I applied some of the mask. It recommended a generous amount, but this stuff was so watery and messy that I felt I was being more generous in the sink than on my face. Pictured here in sequence: mess, immediately after application, a few minutes after application.
So, what I learned in the process is that I should have shaken the bottle first.
The mask does dry quickly, so there’s not much chance of getting it everywhere AND it wipes off quickly after your 10 minutes is up. Finally, my face feels smooth and refreshed. The bonus? No harsh smells. In fact, I don’t think I smelled anything! That’s great for someone who can be turned away by smells pretty quickly.
It’s important to note that you use this spray after washing your hair, while it’s still wet or damp. I had washed my hair the night before using this product, not realizing the instructions were going to tell me to blow dry my hair with this product. Have I mentioned I have problems with paying attention to things? So, I went to spray my hair, reading the instructions first, and then had to jump in the shower to wet my hair, spray it with the spray, blow dry, THEN finally got around to straightening. Don’t make the same mistake as me if you want to save yourself some time.
I used about 14 sprays (product recommends 7 – 15) because I have long hair. I blow dried my hair “straight”, then proceeded to straighten my hair in sections, as usual.
I ended up with typically straight hair, but it wasn’t nearly as shiny as the results on the box made it seem like I should expect. Although, personally, I’ll attribute it to the fact that I have dull and dry hair thanks to my thyroid/autoimmune problem. So, I wasn’t too terribly bummed, but I was hoping for a miracle. The positive side is that the product wasn’t SO heavy as to make my hair look oily or flat.
Finally, the very following day, it rained unexpectedly (I say unexpectedly because I didn’t pay attention to the weather report) and my straight hair was no longer straight. There’s a reason I don’t mess with my hair much…
Well, I wasn’t unhappy with the results, but I wasn’t ecstatic with them either. The pictures here are in sequence (untouched, after blow dry, straightened, final).
I have to tell you that I started out skeptical about false lashes. If you’ve been following me, you’ll likely remember that I’m not the most feminine woman, and having had a little one, I have even less time available to devote to fixing up my face. I’ve always been a level above the basics … foundation, light blush, light eyeliner, eyeshadow, mascara, and maybe a fairly lip-toned gloss. Dressed up, I’d put things on a little heavier, but that’s about it. I’ve never used false lashes and these days I rarely have the opportunity to put on a full face of make up.
The “Looks So Natural” lashes do look fairly good. They’re tapered and miss-matched lengths … I don’t know anyone who has perfect lashes, so these make sense. My concern is that they may be far too long in comparison to my real lashes.
Unfortunately, I didn’t get around to trying on the lashes. When looking at the box, the instructions seemed simple, but I just don’t have the time to try putting lashes on with a toddler running around the house. The few times I do have the time, I’m not at the mirror putting on makeup, so it’s just not something that fits into my life, nor is it my idea of a makeup necessity. I just can’t see myself wearing them… that’s a personal choice. They seemed lightweight and looked nice, so I might recommend you try them if you are interested in false lashes.
We received Men Spray Lotion in “Fast Absorbing”. I posted a Vine video of him using it, but there’s no way to see its true effect, so let me help you.
Hubby’s skin is naturally oily, so he couldn’t tell me if there was any difference when using this product. But I CAN! For starters, this is a wonderful MAN SMELL! It’s like a nice cologne or scented deodorant. I’m highly attracted to the manly scent, which happens to not be too overpowering. I sprayed it on myself to feel it, and there was a noticeable difference between the arm that was sprayed and the arm that wasn’t. I’m very pleased with this product and would use it myself … that is if it didn’t make me smell like a man.
Right now, you can get a $2 off coupon for the Vaseline Men’s Spray Lotion, PLUS, if you get a friend to sign up for the coupon, you’ll receive another $2 off coupon! Sign up for your coupon now.
I was given 4 bags of tea – 3 Creme Caramel and 1 Lemon Chiffon.
Pictured here is a cup of the Creme Caramel. I added only a teaspoon of local honey and it was a lovely afternoon cup of tea while the kiddo was down for her quiet time.
I really enjoyed the Creme Caramel. It was fragrant and delightful – and not too sweet! But, I would say, it probably does have a strong caramel flavor if you’re not one for caramel … thankfully I AM 🙂
The second flavor I was able to try was Lemon Chiffon. Now, I typically won’t drink lemon in my tea, but this … I was captivated. I brewed it and my kitchen smelled like I had baked a lemon dessert. Drinking it was even more surprising. I wasn’t like a lemon tea at all, rather like drinking a lemon meringue pie. It was odd and yet, as I said, captivating. Once again, a teaspoon of honey is all I added to it and was just fine.
I’m a little disappointed that I was only able to sample 2 flavors. I’d REALLY love to get my hands on the rest of the Simply Indulgent line, especially the Sweet Mint and Cinnamon Bun!
Finally, my favorite part of the box!!! Hershey’s Kisses!!
This was a wonderful addition to the Vox Box program. My daughter received a few of these for potty training rewards and I was able to enjoy them guilt-free as they’re considered a gluten free candy! YAY!
I posted a special smoothie recipe over on my Gluten Free blog, featuring the Hersey’s Kisses I received.

After reading my reviews, what product interests you the most?