Home Family LifeFunBooks Instant Happy Journal by Karen Salmansohn: Review

Instant Happy Journal by Karen Salmansohn: Review

by Ivy B

Find inspiration, gratitude, and joy in your day.  Check out my Instant Happy Journal review!

Do you struggle to find happiness and joy in your day?

I, personally, find it difficult to wake up being intentional about happiness and looking for positive moments and events.  I’m a mom to a preschooler and soon to have another baby.  Our mornings are a whirlwind and about to get even crazier.  Potty, brushing teeth, breakfast, activities.

My intention when I wake up is usually set to check emails on my phone before my kiddo barges into the room inundating me with requests.  I consider it my time to catch up on and delete emails, but, the truth is, that’s not exactly time well spent when you need to focus on attitude, gratitude, and general happiness.  There’s no real joy in deleting emails, aside from the fact that they’re not piling up for me to tackle in one shot after the kids go to bed.

Category: Personal Growth

What is the Instant Happy Journal?

Each page features a specific intention, inspiring quote, surprising scientific fact, or thought-provoking question to ponder. When you approach your day with Salmansohn’s “happiness prompters” in mind, you amp up your ability to notice (and create!) many more joyous moments in your day. But that’s just half of what it takes to live a supremely happy life. This journal teaches the top two habits of happy people: to naturally set their intention to enjoy a happy day, then end the day reflecting on what made them happy. When you end your day writing about what went right, you further strengthen your happiness mindset.

With fill-in dates so that you can write and reflect at your own pace, this little journal features a graphic design and fresh attitude perfect for today’s modern happiness-seeker.

This book is intended to be used in one of 2 ways:

1) help you start your day with the intention of happiness, then recording the positives at the end of the day.  That’s what I need … prompted intention.


2) provide reflection points at the end of the day.

Instant Happy Journal Review

I chose to read an excerpt in the morning to help me focus on different ways to experience happiness or gratitude.  It allowed me to actually focus my efforts throughout the day so that I could reflect on the positives as they happened and make a mental note for completing the journal entry at the end of the day.

The first entry reminded me to look for mini-miracles in my day.  This is exactly what I need to get me started on the right foot.  My journal entry for the day included sleeping in until 7 a.m. without waking up at random hours of the night.

Some days, an excerpt didn’t really seem to apply to the day, like re-framing a failure story of the day into finding wisdom.  That particular day, I hadn’t experienced any self-perceived failures to report, much less re-frame into a positive outcome.  For those entries, I moved on to a page that seemed most fitting for the day.

I loved that this book included some ways to attempt to help you let go of hurtful or negative situations from the past.

I know that I’ve had some pretty significant negative experiences in the past that often make me look at present situations differently, so it’s nice to be reminded that I shouldn’t hold a grudge against the person or experience, rather be grateful for giving me a learning opportunity to prevent those kinds of things again.

In the short time I’ve owned this book, I have found it extremely helpful in seeing each day in a new light.  If I forget to read an excerpt in the morning, I tend to forget to look for something positive, though I’m recognizing things on my own a little easier, so it seems to have helped me thus far.

I think the Instant Happy Journal would make a wonderful gift to give yourself or loved one.  It’s a small paperback book that won’t take up much room on a nightstand or in an overnight bag.

If you’re looking to start a new habit of retraining your brain for a more positive mindset, this may be one of the simplest books to help you!  It’s not filled with confusing or annoying psychology jargon, nor will it make you feel like a dope.  It’s laid out in a very non-confrontational way … simply select a page, use it as a prompt for your day, and write at the end of the day.

If the page ends up not being relevant at the end of the day, consider selecting a different page and make it work.

Did you like my Instant Happy Journal review?

If so, go grab your copy of the Instant Happy Journal now.

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