Home Family Life Great New Year Resolutions to Make Now

Great New Year Resolutions to Make Now

by Ivy B

It’s a little late for New Year resolutions right?  Well, that’s what I do … I never think about the things I want to change in the new year, until I’m already in the new year.  New Year’s Eve prompts me to start thinking about changes.  Generally, I just find that I’m too busy dealing with Holidays, family, and end of the year stuff to think about it before then.  So, here are 3 things I want to do this year:

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Mobile Photography

As much as I’d like to learn how to better use my big, expensive camera, a new baby in the house doesn’t lend me much time (or energy) to lug it around as much as I’d want.  So, I’d like to learn how to take more stunning photos using my smartphone.  I mean, I carry that thing around with me everywhere, and who doesn’t use their smartphone to capture and share images regularly anyway?  Good thing Craftsy offers a Mobile Photography class to take online and in my spare time.  I included an affiliate link to this class.  If you click this link and make a purchase, I will earn a small commission, but it will cost you nothing more out of pocket than if you’d gone to the site yourself.

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I’ve written several times that one area I struggle with is thinking more positively.  I have health issues and two difficult kids (one is a new baby and we’re getting re-acquainted with regular baby fussiness and lack of sleep), so making it routine to think positively has been hard on me.  I want to make an effort this year to stop focusing on the negative.  I’m planning to use my Instant Happy Journal this year and am currently looking into a smart phone app called Realifex to help me make positive changes in my life.

Make More Me Time

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I need to remember to take some time for myself,  I wrote about why mom’s need to take time for themselves, and then sold myself kind of short last year.  I need to read my own post and get motivated for more time to myself again!  Even if it’s just an hour for a haircut without a kid in tow, I’ve got to focus on making myself happy again, more than just during my once a month, one day of racing, because, as much as I love it, it’s not very relaxing.

For the moms, I shared a short post with some simple tips to take care of yourself without big time or money investments.

Did I inspire you to make any New Year Resolutions?  What did you make for 2016?



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