At any given moment, if you were to look in my pantry, you’d find that I always stock up on Glad trash bags for our house. Our favorites are the Glad ForceFlex bags because they seem to hold up best to stuffing our garbage can. So, when BzzAgent offered me a chance to try out Glad OdorShield® with Gain™ bags I was pretty excited.

Additionally, BZZagent provided me a $25 gift card to purchase items at my local target that I felt make a house a home. I bought the following:
1) Digital meat thermometer
2) Child’s clock
The reason I purchased the meat thermometer was so that I could test a meat’s temperature while still in the oven. I don’t enjoy pulling dinner out of the oven to make sure it’s ready, and usually have to put it back for a while anyway. To me, food make our house a home, and I spend an awful lot of time in the kitchen.
As for the child’s clock, we’re remodeling the spare bedroom for my daughter’s new “big girl” room. Part of moving her to the new room means that we’ll be taking down her baby gate, which we’ve had up because her bedroom is upstairs. I know that means she’s going to be leaving her room more than we’d like, so we decided that a clock that “glows” to let her know it’s okay to wake us up would be necessary.
Glad OdorShield® with Gain Trash Bags Review
The first thing I noticed when my box of Glad with Gain came in was the fresh scent and was certain the scent was strong enough to hold up to a week’s worth of trash. On trash night, we replaced the bag with the samples.
I was a little disappointed to find that the edge of the bag wasn’t stretchy, so it just laid in the trash can, not very secure. The upside is that my trash can comes with a handy insert to keep trash bags in place.
Then, came the week’s test. I’m not certain if the bag scent failed miserably or if my newly pregnant senses were just so heightened that I could only smell the bad stuff. Unfortunately for me, I wasn’t overly impressed with my new bags in the house.
On the upside, I’ve found them to fit and work their scent magic better in the laundry room trash can. I have a relatively small room for laundry, wash bin, and storage for … well … I’m not even sure. But, the scent seems to hold up to whatever we put in that can, including whatever small kitchen trash when I don’t want to have a half filled trash can in the kitchen on garbage night.
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