Home Mom LifePregnancygetting pregnant How to Get Pregnant Naturally with Stork OTC and Twitter Party

How to Get Pregnant Naturally with Stork OTC and Twitter Party

by Ivy B

Having questions about your fertility?  Check out these tips on how to get pregnant naturally before resorting to seeking medical attention, including using the Stork OTC.

I got off the pill, fully expecting to end up pregnant right away.  I was nearing 30, so admittedly, I was in a hurry.  Unfortunately, my body wasn’t and I hadn’t realized how much time it could take when I was finally ready for my first baby!  Despite the fact I’d been told it could take 6 months to a year after stopping birth control, I was certain I would get pregnant quickly.  I felt healthy and ready, so why wasn’t it happening?  And I nearly gave up hope before I got pregnant.

I scheduled an appointment with my OB, but she wouldn’t do anything so soon.

When you’re so ready to have a baby, any amount of wait feels like an eternity.  I feel for those who have waited, or will wait, longer than I did.

This is a sponsored conversation from Mums the Word Network and The Stork OTC. All opinions are my own.

Admittedly, I’m a fast-paced kinda girl, so the 8 months it took me to get pregnant the first time nearly killed me (thankfully not literally).  I was trying everything I could think of to get pregnant naturally.  I didn’t want to wait a whole year before the OB would see me.  And, at the same time, I really didn’t want to get pregnant with medical help.  If I believed in giving birth naturally, did I really want to be poked and prodded to start my journey to motherhood?  Clearly, I hadn’t seen the depths of hopelessness or despair in trying to get pregnant.  Thankfully, I never had to face that reality.

5 tips for handling fertility and how to get pregnant naturally. Whether or not you struggle with fertility, these tips are useful when you're ready to have a baby | www.sahmplus.com
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You see, in the eight months I waited to finally learn I was pregnant, I began reading and researching.  I had to come to the realization that

a) it could take time once off the pill

b) there were things I could try to help get pregnant naturally, but still

c) resolve that it wasn’t exactly within my power to make it happen… and I needed to relax.

And it finally happened.  8 months of waiting and a month after I agreed to let my husband get his 370Z, it finally happened.  We had gotten pregnant naturally.

How to Get Pregnant Naturally


Did you know your health is affected by stress?  Of course, you did.  So, relinquish some control and don’t stress it.

Realize this is something that you can’t totally control, but that there are ways to make the process easier!

Get (or stay) Healthy

Get or stay healthy to get pregnant naturally | www.sahmplus.com

The first time I tried getting pregnant, I was eating semi-healthy.  But, I read a really informative book that helped me understand how my body may process food.  I took a quiz and then changed a few things in my diet, specifically how I delivered food and drink to my system.  Shortly after making a few tweaks, I became pregnant.

Did you know that your overall health can affect sperm’s ability to make the journey to your ovaries?  A healthier body will be more sperm-friendly.  And I firmly believe this because the second time I got pregnant, I’d been eating mostly Paleo and became pregnant immediately after IUD removal.

Don’t overdo it

While light to moderate exercise is healthy and encouraged before and during pregnancy, it’s important to not overdo it.  I found out that heavy or intense workouts were not conducive to becoming pregnant.

If you’re in doubt about your exercise regimen, consult your doctor or consider a lighter routine.  Caring for and being gentle with your body as you embark on your journey through motherhood will be important at every stage, so don’t be afraid to take it easier before you become a mom.

Mindful Mama-to-be: How to create a mindfulness practice that will support you as you transition into motherhood.

Track Ovulation

Tracking your ovulation can be a great way to get pregnant sooner.  At the very least, using ovulation tests, you’ll get a better understanding of your body’s process.  This can, however, take some of the excitement out of the process, so try to be sure not to only “do the deed” when you get a positive ovulation test 😉

Regardless, it’s important to have a better understanding of how your body works.  Tracking ovulation will help you determine whether or not you have issues in your menstrual cycle … ovulating too soon or too late in the month can indicate issues with your hormones.

Assist your body

I don’t know how true it is, but I almost always practiced laying with my legs elevated above my stomach to allow gravity to help aid the process.  In my desperate moments, I would have been willing to try just about anything to get pregnant at the time.

I still hadn’t resolved that medical assistance was the answer, though.  So, I would have loved if Stork OTC had been available at the time.  The Stork OTC is a cervical cap device that garners nearly the same success rates in achieving pregnancy as more expensive IUI procedures.  The best part is, it’s an at-home device that could save you money and the headache of fertility treatments in a doctor’s office.

The Stork OTC to help aide in getting pregnant naturally with results rivaling IUI | www.sahmplus.comA

There are no prescriptions or medical devices, so you can still leave the medical staff out of your fertility business for a little while longer!

How to get pregnant naturally with the help of the Stork OTC home conception device | www.sahmplus.com

Visit Stork OTC to learn more!


Get a Stork OTC!

Buy a Stork OTC at select Target stores Nationwide!

Get Pregnant Naturally and #TTCwithStorkOTC Twitter Party

Great news!  I’m going to be a #TTCwithStorkOTC Twitter Party Panelist!   If you are struggling, or have struggled with fertility, but are interested in ways to get pregnant naturally, join us me for the Twitter party.  Don’t forget to share this tweet!

[tweetthis]Join @StorkbyRinovum for the #TTCwithStorkOTC twitter party 8/17 8pm EST #TTC #ad[/tweetthis]

I’ll be with you for this hour-long fertility Twitter party … let’s share our trials and triumphs to encourage moms-to-be on this very delicate journey!

How to Get Pregnant Naturally with Stork OTC and Twitter Party 2

Have you ever struggled with fertility? Were you able to get pregnant naturally or did you seek medical assistance?

Feel free to share your story about getting pregnant or experiencing infertility.  We’re all here for you.  Maybe your story can inspire and encourage others, or you can make a connection with someone in the same boat as you!  Or, throw yourself or a TTC’ing friend a “get pregnant party” with these fun ideas!

Some call it a getting pregnant party others a TTC party.  No matter what, the concept is the same ... you're ready to announce to the world you're hoping to have a baby.  Echo shares this fun post with 5 ideas to help you party right! | www.sahmplus.com

Do you have other tips on how to get pregnant naturally?

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Kim Craig September 23, 2018 - 7:47 am

I want to use this opportunity to thank this great woman called mother Iya for what she has done for me and my family, after trying for 5 years. This great woman has brought happiness and joy back again to me and my family. mother Iya has used her great herbal medicine to help me to get pregnant with her powerful ways and after 7 days of applying her herbs.This is more than words i can say, at first i didn’t believe it but today it is so true and all thanks goes to her. i will advice every one out there that has a similar issue of not able to conceive, to try mother Iya herbal remedy to contact her. thank you mother and forever remain a blessing in my life. Contact her today on her email nativeiyabasira@yahoo.com and phone number +441133201124

Olivia Jayden November 6, 2019 - 4:14 pm

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+2347064365391 . Dr.Osasu also cures: 1. HIV / AIDS 2. HERPES 1/2 3. CANCER 4. ALS (Lou Gehrig’s disease) 5. Hepatitis B

lucia January 28, 2020 - 2:35 pm

my partner and I have been trying for a baby for over two years now, We were going to a fertility clinic for about 5 months before somebody at baby center told us to contact this spell caster who is so powerful, We contacted him at this email; babaka.wolf@gmail.com or Facebook at priest.babaka , for him to help us, then we told him our problem, he told us that we will conceive once we follow his instructions ,but after two years of trying we were at a point where we were willing to try anything. And I’m glad we came to Priest Babaka, Because his pregnancy spell cast and herbal remedy help us, and I honestly believe him, and his gods really helped us as well, I am thankful for all he has done. contact him via email: babaka.wolf@gmail.com or Facebook at priest.babaka if you are trying to have a baby or want your lover back. he has powers to do it, he has done mine

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