Home Shopping Gadgets To Save Parents Time (and Money)

Gadgets To Save Parents Time (and Money)

by Ivy B

Here’s a short list of gadgets I have around the house that I really can’t imagine living without. Admittedly, some of them are rather expensive, but their value is almost beyond measure.  My automatic trash cans may be a little much, but I enjoy them, and that’s what matters, right?!  So, what are the top 5 gadgets I’d recommend for parents looking to save a little time and money?  Check them out here!

Automatic Motion Sensing Trash Cans

Gadgets To Save Parents Time (and Money) 4
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.  I received a set of two about a year ago and I have been in love with them ever since.  You’d think those step-to-open cans are enough, but when you get hold of these gems, those step on cans are more of a nuisance.  Now, I catch myself getting upset with my standard step-to-open cans for not opening when I wave my hand at it.

iRobot Roomba 770Gadgets To Save Parents Time (and Money) 5.  I have the one for Pets and Allergies.  While I wasn’t planning on getting it, I’m so glad I was surprised with it for Christmas!  This amazing gadget has saved my sanity by vacuuming my 1st floor for me on a daily basis.  With a fairly messy 2 year old running around the house and a shedding dog dragging in dirt, the Roomba is running daily downstairs, giving me more time to cook, clean, or have a few extra minutes of downtime if I’m feeling lazy.

The cutest thing to me about the Roomba is when it completes it’s cleaning and docks itself with a happy musical tone that reminds me of something you might hear when you’ve completed a mission in a video game.  I’m a sucker for gadgets that “sing” to me.

Roomba vacuum

iPhone.  Any smart phone, really, but I’ve become so accustomed to having an iPhone that I haven’t even thought of replacing it with another device.  The apps are helpful in keeping with a schedule, reminders, events, and more.

iPad.  This amazing device functions as my recipe keeper and viewer in the kitchen (thank you Pinterest!), and a music player or educational tool for the kiddo.  Heaven help me if our wi-fi ever fails in the middle of cooking!

Nest Learning ThermostatGadgets To Save Parents Time (and Money) 6.  Okay, I thought this one seemed extravagant, but hubby wanted our new-to-us house to be updated and more technologically advanced (since we’re planning on being here a while).  I thought it was a ridiculous purchase, but I’ve grown to love this amazing thermostat!  Since Florida’s weather is hot one day, cold the next in winter, I set the hot and cold temps so it’ll come on appropriately.  It saves me from waking up in the morning freezing (or burning up) worrying about the little one.   Other nifty features include automatic “away” detection and compressor shut off to conserve energy.  The temp scheduling feature helps us to conserve energy when we don’t need the a/c running.  The general consensus is that you’ll save more in a year in energy than the thermostat cost to purchase.

Scheduling appropriately saved us about $25 from one month to the next.  If it could save us that monthly, we’d essentially save $300 a year.  The savings alone would MORE than make up for the cost of the Nest itself.  The great energy report we receive from Nest is a super feature to tell us how energy is used and motivates us to continue doing our part to conserve.

Nest Learning Thermostat

This post was updated on 4/26/14.

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1 comment

Happy Hiller September 11, 2020 - 8:33 am

Is there a monthly fee for Nest thermostat?

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