Home Mom LifePregnancy Do You Like Being Pregnant?

Do You Like Being Pregnant?

by Ivy B

With my first pregnancy, I loved the majority of the nine months.  There were a few days that weren’t quite pleasurable, but overall, I had a decent pregnancy.  I think the couple of times I didn’t like it were the few days of morning sickness or inability to eat, and the hot summer months when I was at my largest.  And, as most mothers experience, the last couple of weeks were miserable as I was too large around my midsection to tie shoes or bend over to pick up anything I dropped.  I remember trying many of those home remedies to evict my little one early, but overall, I really liked being pregnant.

The rest of my pregnancy, I was in generally good spirits, had plenty of energy (maybe not in the first trimester), enjoyed sex, and was lucky enough to feel movements early on.  We were in a good financial situation with little to stress about, and I had decent health insurance that made having a baby affordable.

Skip ahead to now, as I’m due with baby #2 in November.  In general, I hate my pregnancy.  I don’t think I felt good one day in my first trimester, and roughly 9 weeks of it I spent wishing I would throw up.  I also wore sea bands throughout the day to help assist with the dizziness and nausea.   Plus, most days I HAD to take a nap by noon or I couldn’t survive the rest of the day with any sanity. Even into my second trimester, I don’t have a lot of energy, though I don’t require a nap every day.  Still, most days I’m cranky and have a hard time taking a joke.

I’m not sure why such the difference, but I’m miserable this time around.  Is it because

1) I’m older?
2) I have health issues (Hashimoto’s, Adrenal Stress)?
3) I’m staying home dealing with a really demanding 3.5 year old?

Or is it simply because this is a different pregnancy?

Whatever the reasons, I’m not enjoying it as much as I keep looking for something to enjoy!  The only things I’ve found to help me enjoy this pregnancy is a) to have a prenatal massage or b) spend a couple minutes a day in a silence rubbing my belly and hoping to feel the baby move.  And, my daughter finally got to see the baby move my belly the other day, which brought us some joy to watch and play together.

Tell me:  Do You Like Being Pregnant?

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