Home Parenting TipsEducation Copy-Kids Review and Giveaway

Copy-Kids Review and Giveaway

by Ivy B

Copy-Kids Review and Giveaway 3 Copy-Kids Review and Giveaway 4If you’ve never heard about Copy-Kids, let me introduce you to them.    If you have heard of it, you can certainly scroll down to see my thoughts and enter the giveaway right away!  I was provided a copy of the Copy-Kids Eat Fruits and Vegetables in exchange for my honest review of the product.  All opinions expressed here are my own.

Copy-Kids Eat Fruits and Vegetables

In 2012, Copy-Kids launched a DVD called “Copy-Kids Eat Fruits and Veggies.”  The concept is that, by watching other children eat their fruits and vegetables, your child will be more likely to try them too.  Broken down into sections, you can watch a single section dedicated to the fruit and vegetable of your choice.  It is recommended that you have on hand the fruit or vegetable that you’re having your child watch so that he will be inclined to eat it as he watches other children.  The DVD has 12 fruits and vegetable sections to watch.  Included sections are:

bell pepper

Now, for our thoughts on the DVD.

I should first mention that we’re not really big on eating raw fruits and vegetables in this house, so offering things like this as a snack isn’t usual for me.  Baby girl rarely eats bananas anymore, so I stopped buying them, but her favorite is grapes.  Occasionally, she asks for apples, but because it’s rare, I rarely buy them.  All that said, my opinion of the DVD will not be affected by our food choices, since I rarely have these things on hand to simply snack on.

What I thought of the DVD.

I started a section alone to get an idea of what I would be showing my daughter.  I have to say that I was distracted by the occasional introduction of children’s names that would pop up the first time they showed a child.  When the name popped up on the screen, a little music would play.  When it disappeared, there was no music and very little noise.  I feel like even some quiet background music would have been good.

It was interesting watching how each child ate and interacted with the food presented to them.  I can see where it would be of interest to a young child to watch another kid eat AND I have noticed that children pay more attention to shows that feature other children.  My daughter has watched other educational shows that use a similar format to drive a point and learned a good amount from them.

What my 2 year old thought of the DVD.
For the first try, I chose to purchase cucumbers.  I love cucumber, but baby girl hasn’t ever seemed very interested in them, so I thought this would be a really useful test of the effectiveness of the DVD.  From the get-go, my daughter was intrigued watching the children eat their cucumbers and started to eat her own.

eating cucumbers with Copy-Kids

After two bites, she set aside her cucumbers and then needed a little extra coaxing from me. “Look at those kids eating their cucumbers.  They want you to eat them too.”  Two more bites, and she was over it and started to feed me her cucumbers.  I’m chalking it up to being like her daddy who doesn’t like them either.

Our second trial was carrots.  Silly girl was giggling her little head off at the kids eating carrots.  She took a few bites, herself, and was enthralled with the video.  Shortly after though, she wanted to keep the chewed carrot in her mouth, but not swallow it.  I’m not sure what she was hoping to accomplish, other than trying to compete for funniest kid?  Either way, the video got her to eat carrots.

eating carrots with Copy-Kids

I purchased blueberries, but she ate those up before we could get to the DVD.

My recommendation is to buy vegetables that you can cook up with dinner for the week so that you’re not wasting food just in case.  Luckily, I had to buy carrots for a Thanksgiving side dish, so I just used one of the carrots for purposes of this review without being wasteful.


If you can’t wait to find out if you’re the winner, the DVD with 12 chapters and 115 minutes of content and DVD extras can be purchased for $19.99 with FREE Shipping in the U.S.

About the Giveaway: 1 winner will receive a copy of the Copy-Kids Eat Fruits and Vegetables DVD, shipping directly from Copy-Kids (sponsor).  The giveaway begins on 12/2/13 and ends on 12/16/13 at 12:00 a.m. EST.  Please review the rafflecopter rules for more details.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Tomoson.com. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

To help support this blog, posts from Ivy’s Variety may contain affiliate marketing links, receive free products for review, and/or consist of paid or sponsored posts. Please see my disclaimer page for more info.

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