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I love to hear from my readers. You may contact me at ivy at sahmplus dot com and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can!
Looking for sponsored post or advertising opportunities?
Please familiarize yourself with my PR/Disclosure page prior to contacting Ivy/SAHM, plus…
If there is a monetary exchange or an exchange in goods or services, this is a sponsored post and
1) cannot be considered a guest post.
2) will require no-follow links and disclosure before the content describing the sponsored nature of said content.
Requesting to publish a guest post for a client or a business for the purpose of building backlinks/brand awareness, whether or not you have budget, is NEVER considered a guest post.
Would you like to contribute a guest post?
First, what is a guest post? Guest posts on SAHM, plus… are reserved for parenting bloggers who write similar & relevant content that provides value to a shared group of readers. The intent is to build relevant links back to blog posts that may serve as supplemental information relevant to the topic.
A guest post is not a post for the sole purpose of building backlinks to a business or for brand/product awareness.
If there is payment involved, whether to SAHM, plus… or to the contributing author, this falls under the sponsored post content guidelines.
All guest post requests that are clearly not from a parenting blog and are being authored by a content writer will automatically be marked as SPAM.
Currently, SAHM, plus … is not accepting sponsored opportunities.