Home Family LifeFunBooks Book Review – meQuilibrium: 14 Days to Cooler, Calmer, and Happier

Book Review – meQuilibrium: 14 Days to Cooler, Calmer, and Happier

by Ivy B

Growing up, I’ve always been a pretty stressed out person with little patience and a bad temper when thing didn’t go the way they should go.  Over time, some of my anger issues resolved, mostly through age and maturity.

Once I became a mother, I learned to let go of a few more things, but having a child created it’s own problems in my stress level.  As much as I didn’t want it to, raising my daughter has me stressed out and angry over other things.  Constant whining, crying about silly things, arguing for the sake of arguing… I’ve been a big ball of stress day after day and I knew something had to give. Additionally, my doctor told me that part of dealing with my autoimmune disorder was to include stress relief (the book forward discusses the toxicity of stress to our bodies).

So, I was extremely excited to receive a complimentary copy of meQuilibrium: 14 Days to Cooler, Calmer, and Happier by Jan Bruce, Andrew Shatte, and Adam Perman from Blogging for Books.

Recognize your stressors and the techniques to handle them.  A great little book which will help you live a healthier and happier life. MeQuilibrium book review via www.sahmplus.com
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Category: Self-Help/Stress Management

The book briefly mentions how stress is toxic to our minds and bodies, but the meQuilibrium program was designed to teach you that how you react to stress is the real problem.  We all have natural tendencies when dealing with stressful and emotional situations, and this book should teach you to recognize it and diffuse unwarranted moments of stress (or create calmer attitudes even if the stress is warranted).

Ivy’s Review of meQuilibrium

As I said, I’ve been needing better tools to reduce stress for my health and to help change attitudes in the house.  While I know that my stress is compounded with my health condition, I also believe that I may be dealing with adrenal fatigue.  I know my natural tendency is to resort to anger, but this book shows me, on Day 1, how to recognize it and ask myself if my feelings are warranted.

On day 2, you read about how sleep (and lack there-of) makes stress management nearly impossible.  Your quality of sleep is linked to health issues and learning/attention abilities, amongst many other things.  This section of the book was essentially labeled as a foundation to getting the entire program right.

Day 3 helps you deal with your stressors in a more immediate manner, when you don’t have the time to work on a full routine.  It  likens the strategy to a “bandaid” to stop the bleeding, but you’ll need to go back at a more convenient time to analyze and correct the problems.

As a person who has always been easily stressed, I found this book to offer many useful strategies for me.  I feel like I need to carry it around with me with little tabs throughout the book to refer to when I need reminders.  I found day 2 to be the easiest to implement into my life regularly and found that the more I slept, the better I was able to handle the following day.  My biggest problem was getting myself to sleep through my husband’s nightly TV show watching (he usually watches one show and then passes out).  Once I trained myself to close my eyes and not pay attention to the TV, I was able to fall asleep more quickly.

I’m looking forward to implementing more of the strategies into my life because dealing with autoimmunity and a 3.5 year old is VERY stressful!

Could you benefit from learning some de-stressing techniques?  What’s your motivation?  You can buy [easyazon_link identifier=”0804138494″ locale=”US” nw=”y” nf=”y” tag=”ivsvabasaan0a-20″ localize=”y” popups=”n”]meQuilibrium on Amazon[/easyazon_link]

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