Home Family LifeFunBooks Book Review: 10 Ultimate Truths Girls Should Know by Kari Kampakis

Book Review: 10 Ultimate Truths Girls Should Know by Kari Kampakis

by Ivy B


10 Ultimate Truths Girls Should Know was initially written in a blog post by Kari Kampakis, then expanded into book form after her post became wildly popular.  This is a nonfiction book geared toward teenage (or pre-teen) girls who can use someone else’s experiences and stories to remind them how important it is to be kind, genuine, and confident.  The tips Ms. Kampakis gives are meant to help young girls make their way through life and find their purpose more confidently.

I received a copy of this book from BookLookBloggers.com in exchange for my opinions of this book.  I received no monetary compensation for providing this review.  All opinions are my own.

Ivy’s Review of 10 Ultimate Truths Girls Should Know by Kari Kampakis

As a mother of a daughter, I thought it would be a good idea to read the “truths” my daughter is supposed to know.   Truth be told, I could probably use the knowledge for my own life.  Growing up, and still today, I’m not feminine and I can’t say that I had many wonderful heart to hearts with my mother about how to grow up through my teenage years unscathed.  I don’t get what it’s like to be a girl since I don’t do many “girl” things, and this book would have likely been of some use for me to celebrate my differences as a teenager, rather than struggle with them like I did.  I want to be better prepared for my daughter and I thought the book would give me more insight for the two of us.

I enjoyed the book immensely.  Although founded in Christian beliefs, this book was an easy read and easy for me to apply it to our own lives, even though we’re not big into religion.  Each chapter, or “truth”, incorporated plenty of personal experiences and stories to explain in easy-to-understand terms.  The best part of the book was the discussion questions at the end of each chapter, which allows your daughter to think about the subjects more deeply.  I believe these would be good tools whether your daughter does these on her own, or you use them to promote discussion together.

I feel, in a lot of ways, this book taught me a lot more about being a woman than I’d learned previously.  I’d venture to say that I actually felt sorry for my inner teenager.  Reading these things, I found myself wishing someone had explained to me then what I’m reading now.  Because of this book, I believe I may also be better equipped to help my daughter navigate her way to adulthood, hopefully with much less confusion than I experienced.

Overall, I think this is a good read for moms and daughters.

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