Are you a mom struggling to meet the everyday demands of your time and energy? Most of us are, it seems. Your kids and husband want part of your energy, society deems your time should be spent in certain ways, and you’re probably wondering how you’re supposed to fit in all that self-care time everyone tells moms they need.
Between teaching your kids valuable life lessons, striving to perfect your homemaking, and figuring out how to better your marriage, you’re likely wondering how in the world anyone can expect a stay at home mom to balance everything.
I struggle with it all, too! As a stay at home mom, I can honestly say the idea of a work/life balance is non-existent. But I share my tips, not for finding that perfect balance, but livable balance.
If you struggle with that balance, join my newsletter so you can stay informed of my latest posts. I’d love for us to connect and commiserate. Let’s learn from each other how to find solutions to every aspect of our lives because we can always seek to improve. And maybe we can find a little bit of peace and the ability to regain our personal identities because this life is about being more than a mom!
Hi! I’m Ivy.
I was married to my best friend in 2009. We met through mutual friends at a Dyno Day (it’s car talk) and hit it off. We spent a couple of years as friends sharing similar interests in cars and motorcycles. I had an old CRX I was tinkering with and … he’s been through so many vehicles that I can’t remember what he was driving at the time.
We have, since, had two beautiful & spirited children together … they were born in 2011 and 2015. After the birth of our daughter in 2011, I left the workforce with a role in Human Resources to become a full-time stay at home mom.
I enjoy doing motorsports with my husband. We are active in Autocross, Open Track Days, and currently branching out to do a bit of Rally.
I re-entered the workforce on a part time basis when my son was a few years old and quickly found my place in the marketing world to become a full-time SEO professional. And I can thank this lovely blog for it all!

Look how excited we were to own our Porsche Cayenne Turbo!
All of that is what leads to the “plus…” in SAHM, plus…

© Ivy
I’m a mom. It’s my number 1 job. I have to wear so many hats as a SAHM, and it’s easy to forget the PLUS … there is more to life than being a mom. I have to remember to take care of my husband, and put him first, too. Then, there’s taking care of myself and my own needs in order to effectively care for everyone else. I’ve been known to become burned out on my job as a mom when I don’t take care of myself or my husband.
So, I hope this blog, SAHM, plus…, will serve as a reminder to switch our priorities to find more balance in our lives, because no one part is more important than the other at all times.
Prior to my re-branding in 2016, several of my posts from Ivy’s Variety were featured on I blog about parenting, traveling with our kids, being a wife, and of course, finding a balance in my life. I really love sharing my life experiences and hope that you find them useful to apply in your own life.
SAHM, plus… is my contribution to mom life. I love to share what I learn about parenting, marriage, and being more than a mom. If I can help you with anything, that’s what I want to do here. I’m always excited to receive emails and comments from you – whether you have questions or just need someone to vent to.
Why? Because mom life is hard and we sometimes need to let our feelings out into the world.
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