Home Parenting Tips When the kid doesn’t sleep: why do I stress?

When the kid doesn’t sleep: why do I stress?

by Ivy B

Cranky tot is going through a phase where she doesn’t want to sleep… yeah, THAT helps with the crankies!  In the past few weeks, every day is different.  One day she naps just fine, the next she could play in her crib the whole nap time (if she’s not asleep by 2:00, she doesn’t get any more time as I hope to have her asleep at a normal time at night)  Sometimes, she’ll play for an hour and then go to sleep and I’m okay with that if she at least gets half an hour.

If that’s not bad enough (momma needs the break, you know), she also tries to stay up late.  Her bedtime has always been really early, so we start getting ready about 7 or 7:30, which works for us.  That is, until lately.  I can go in there to start doing the bedtime routine, she’ll be yawning, and then I watch on the monitor… some nights she’s stayed up as late as 9:00.

I stress, get angry, aggravated, flustered, and research on the internet how to make your toddler sleep until I’m so aggravated that I have to take a shower so that I can’t view the monitor.  I’ve tried to take out the toys, reading more, singing more…

Then the hubby asks “Why does it stress you out so much?”  If looks could kill, that’s pretty much the look I give him as I am daydreaming of leaving him alone with her for a week and HOPING she doesn’t sleep for him too!  I want him to see her mood swings and tantrums, and ride the same horrible emotional roller coaster for a week straight.  Maybe he’ll gain some insight and be a little more understanding.  Although one good night of her sleeping to show how much fun she can be when she does sleep well, might help … but I want the torture effect.

Well, I return from my daydream because it isn’t going to happen … he’d probably pawn her off on people because he likely wouldn’t make it through 2 days (yes, I’ll give him credit to have the strength to make it a full day).  So, I just tell him it’s because her crappy mood swings drive me nuts all day.  Not that she’s the best kid out there, but her moods ARE, more often than not, related to her sleep habits.  Those nights she goes to sleep on time typically produce a much easier-to-deal-with child the following day!

How do you handle the phases when your little one doesn’t go to sleep?  I think this is just one of the things that bother me regardless of how much I want to let it go … if this doesn’t bother you, what does?

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Sherry Mirshahi-Totten July 26, 2013 - 2:24 pm

No little one yet for me, but I can imagine that I'd get just as much stressed as well! I don't think anyone realizes how much moms go through to make sure their children are happy and healthy. Good luck 🙂 Visiting from the UBC!

Moms Gone Crazy July 26, 2013 - 2:44 pm

It's one of the hardest things in the world when your little one doesn't sleep. It brings stress on the whole family. I have two (and one on the way), and I have just learned to take each day at a time. My youngest has always been a terrible sleeper, so I had to adjust my expectations! Not every baby/child takes two naps & sleeps 12 hours… though we can dream, right?! LOL

Loretta Smith July 26, 2013 - 2:53 pm

Toddlers go through many phases and release emotions differently at each age. It's important to remind ourselves we are the parent and know what's best for our child. That statement alone helped me to remain calm and free of anger when dealing with the many mood swings of my toddlers. Have you tried using essential oils? Lavender is good for relaxing and calming. I would dilute it with coconut oil and apply to her chest and bottoms of her feet. Diffusing it in her room while she sleeps would work well too. Energy work is also effective and can assist in releasing negative emotions. So grateful for UBC so I could stop by and share these things with you!

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