Home Family LifeFunCrafts Fabulous Baby Food Jar Crafts to Reuse Baby Food Jars

Fabulous Baby Food Jar Crafts to Reuse Baby Food Jars

by Ivy B

Are your baby food jars piling up?  I know the feeling.

I kept telling myself I’d either use them or make my own food at home for baby.  As with many project I hope to do, I never got around to it.

Instead, I just kept buying more food.  It’s just easier.

But, I couldn’t bring myself to throw those adorable jars away.  For starters, they’re not exactly, cheap!  And, glass jars come in handy quite a bit.  So, I decided to do a small roundup of baby food and glass jar crafts to inspire me to do something creative with them.  Less waste and up-cycling.

I’ve found some amazing baby food jar crafts if you’re wanting to reuse your baby food jars.  Some of these adorable crafts would make sweet gifts, too!

10+ amazing baby food jar crafts to do when you want to reuse baby food jars

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Are you ready to see the baby food jar crafts?

Autumn Spice Potpourri Jars from Thrifty Jinxy

autumn spice potpourri jars craft from baby food jar

Beach-in-a-jar Seashell Keepsake Craft from Moms & Crafters

DIY Shopkins Snow Globe from Must Have Mom!

Baby Jar Heart Luminaries from Learning and Exploring Through Play

Ladybug Jar from Creative Green Living

Lady bug jar craft

Clay Christmas Scenes from The Parenting Patch

DIY baby food jar candles from Mommy in Sports

DIY Apple Jar from The 36th Avenue

Baby Food Jar Pumpkins from SAHM, plus…

complete baby food jar pumpkin craft

Lemon Lime Facial Scrub recipe from Gym Craft Laundry.

Princess Hair Tie Holder from Gym Craft Laundry.

Make attractive luminaries from Inspired by Familia.

dyed glass luminaries from baby food jars

Easy photo snow globe project from Design Mom.

Baby food jars Snowmen from Stare if you Must.

I really don’t know what my favorite is!  I absolutely love the Apple Jar as a possible teacher’s gift.  But the Baby Jar Heart Luminaries are so adorable!

Tell me, which baby food jar crafts do you think you’ll do?

What other ways do you recycle glass baby food jars?

This post, Baby Food Jar Crafts, was originally published on this site in 2017 and has been updated.  Want your baby food jar craft included in this post?  Feel free to shoot me an email!

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Twin Pickle November 28, 2016 - 9:49 pm

The snowman is my favourite!! #mombloggerssupport

Ivy B November 29, 2016 - 4:25 pm

Thanks for sharing 🙂 The snowman was pretty cute, huh?!?!

Sarah Gillespie December 3, 2016 - 9:38 pm

I LOVE the gumball machine! I would have never thought of that! What a cute little gift!

Ivy B December 3, 2016 - 10:15 pm

I had never thought of many of these, but I actually really adored the gumball machine as well 🙂

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